Indonesia adalah negara terbesar ketiga penghasil kopi
di dunia. Di Indonesia, tanaman ini tumbuh subur di daerah dataran
tinggi. Umumnya, masyarakat Indonesia menanam tanaman kopi jenis
arabika dan robusta. Rasanya yang enak dan banyak digemari masyarakat
luas membuat banyak pabrik – pabrik yang mulai memproduksi kopi.
Kandungan kimia kopi memiliki efek yang kurang baik bagi kesehatan
jika dikonsumsi berlebihan seperti kafein salah satunya. Dengan itu
pabrik-pabrik di Indonesia marak memproduksi kopi rendah kafein
dengan berbagai metode. Metode yang biasanya digunakan seperti metode
dekafeinasi, metode fermentasi dengan hewan luwak, metode penambahan
larutan alkali yang dilanjutkan fermentasi yeast serta metode basah.
Terjadi penurunan kadar asam, kafein dan lemak dengan metode
fermentasi dibandingkan dengan pengolahan kopi secara tradisional.
Untuk kadar asam dan kafein paling rendah didapatkan dengan metode
fermentasi dengan hewan luwak sedangkan untuk kadar lemak terendah
didapatkan dari fermentasi dengan larutan alkali.
Kata Kunci: luwak,
kafein, fermentasi, kopi.
Indonesia is the third largest producer of coffee in
the world. In Indonesia, coffee is grown well at the high altitudes
area. Commonly, Arabica and Robusta coffe are planted by Indonesian
people there. They plant a lot of Arabica and Robusta coffee due to
the well taste of these kinds of coffee wich people like the most. As
a result, there are lots of factories in Indonesia produce Arabica
and Robusta coffee. In common, coffee contains a tremendous number of
chemical. The primary chemical in coffee is caffeine which is
psychoactive. This kind of chemical risk human's health when human
has had too much coffee. Due to this knowledge, many of the coffee
factories in Indonesia produce low caffeine coffee with different
methodes. The metodes which are usually used are :decaffeination, a
fermentasi method using mongoosess, an added alkali method with
continued in yeast fermentation, and also wet method. Fermentation
methods which are used causing the decrease of acidity, caffeine, and
fat higer than using traditional coffee method. The decrease of
acidity and caffeine in coffee is provided the lowest rate by a
fermentation method using mongoosess. On the other hand, the decrease
of fat is provided the lowest rate by alkali method.
Keywords: luwak, caffeine, fermentation,
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